Hans-Joachim Guenther, the owner and founder of PeriStrat, gets frequently asked about the company name and the company’s way to differentiate from competitors. His answer to this question is:

“The company name PeriStrat already says a lot about the mission, vision and strategy of our advisory business. PeriStrat is an acronym based on the Latin words for risk (periculum) and strategy (ratio strategica) and points to our core service: offering entrepreneurial advice on strategies managing and mitigating all kinds of business and market risk. Partnership is a core value for PeriStrat and stands for the understanding that providing advice does not mean teaching a best way but to work with a client at eye-level, listen to his peculiarities and offer an independent outside view and bespoke solutions for the client’s specific business situation. The other meaning of the word partnership is of course the ability to mobilize support from other industry specialists in order to enhance the scale and scope of our service proposition.”
Linking Strategic Advice & Execution
© PeriStrat LLC 2024